I should have a photo, perhaps, of my nice orange carrot stick and it's nice savvy string. Or of my nice blue natural horseman's halter and it's nice white flecked with something 12 foot lead (with heavy swivle snap). Anyway, I don't.
But I do have those things now, because someone had an extra stick/string and someone else switched from Parelli to Anderson and had the halter/lead and was willing to trade it for a few rides on her horse. A horse, by the way, that I really like a lot.
Increase has pretty much just had a month off. There were at least two weeks I was working at both farms, and then another week before we really figured out a schedule that worked for us all, and then, well, I do not find change easy. And the whole family had to adjust. I kept telling the husband, just wait, just be patient, it will settle out.
It has been a good change. I might say a very very very good change but I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. It isn't like I came from a horrid situation to a great one. I just moved from one barn to another, both good barns, both populated with compassionate horsemen. But I went from no opportunities to opportunities. I work and care for horses, including stalls and troughs, of course, but here I also have the opportunity to ride and train, and I already have the chance to begin teaching too, with hopefully more of that to come as we develop a few lesson horses. So, yeah, pretty much everything I said I wanted to do, I get to do, and with prospects for ever more. And that's awfully nice.
Anyway, Increase had her first Parelli session today. I am certainly not fluent yet but at the same time, I think I'm understanding. I've watched a good bit of the level one DVDs from several years ago, and gotten to observe a number of people play with various horses.
Inky is scary smart. And we didn't do much. But as Duke looks more and more forlorn, I'm not even looking to sell her yet. She's my project at this point, to see what I can do with her. She was great. Hopefully we'll get the language of Parelli together.
I guess I need to ask what it is I need to do to do my level one.
the levels have changed in the last few years, level one I should think you would pass straight off, level two is just a continuation of your learning a different way to work. I'm going to send you a print out of whats required.
my understanding right now is that level one is just the seven games on the 12' line. I *think* they are doing each level in each savvy now, so you have level one on line, level one liberty, level one whatever they call riding with loose reins, and maybe level one with contact (finesse). But pretty much all that is just inferred from stuff I've read. I'm waiting to join until the last minute so I can put off re-upping until the last minute too! I have DVDs but they are from when the levels were different and level one included mounting and riding the rail and a few things like that. I could be wrong about everything! Thank you so much for your help. Isn't life just funny! It is Carol Coppinger who does a clinic every year at the barn I'm at now, so next May. . .!
thank you thank you thank you! Received and printed out!
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